Freight railway BBR helps keep Zimbabwe on track

Cyclone Idai

The early part of the year 2019 saw the eastern region of the county hit hard by Cyclone Idai. BBR, among other well-wishers, rolled up the sleeves and was anxiously engaged in the work of offering relief to Cyclone Idai victims. Donations of tents and materials to rebuild infrastructure were made by Beitbridge Bulawayo Railway.
Jairosi Jiri

BBR has a long-standing relationship with the Jairos Jiri Association going back to 2001. Jarosi Jiri runs sixteen centers countrywide where 1, 200 children and adults get treatment, care, and education. BBR has made the following contributions to the Association:
Mtetengwe Primary School

BBR has also developed Mtetengwe Primary School that is located in the Beitbridge area, as follows: